Can't Smile Without You.

Teeth, that is. I had a dentist appointment this morning. Another one tomorrow morning as they are concerned my gums have receded. How exciting! I am sure some sort of surgery is in my future.
 The sky was absolutely gorgeous this morning at 6:30. I ran back in the house to grab my camera.
 Five minutes later it was all gone. I am so glad I could take these photos.
 Chippy has been watching the squirrels too much I think. This is the first time I have seen him do this. It was funny watching him slide back down.
 Bald Bluejay was calling out as I snapped this photo. I guess he wants his peanuts!
We stopped off at my favourite antique store (Quinte Antiques) and purchased this table for the top of the stairs. The photo above it is Chuck's Great Aunt and Uncles wedding photo taken in Berlin in the early 1930's. He is in top-hat and tails and she is in a flapper style wedding dress.
Cooling down tonight here finally. I am so glad!
Take care and have a good day.


  1. Ugh, dentist! I was having a lot of gum issues, recession, deep pockets around most of my teeth, and then a hygienist (not my regular one) recommended (several years ago) Listerine's pre-brushing rinse. I started using it and it was like some sort of miracle, made a huge difference. Not nearly so many deep pockets now, and my own regular hygienist hasn't mentioned gum surgery since I started using it. However, I don't think Listerine makes the pre-brush rinse anymore--I've been using the after-brush rinse. Walmart still makes it, though, under their Equate brand, and I picked up a bottle a couple of weeks ago, will use theirs instead, as I prefer the pre to post rinses.

    All that and I'm not sure the product would help your own issues, I'm just tossing this out. Good luck with tomorrow's appt.

    STUNNING sky! That's the great thing about being up early. Best time of day, IMO. :-)

    1. I have to go to Walmart tomorrow so I will check out their pre-rinse. I have used the post rinse for years and my hygienist said my teeth are the best she has seen, for me, in all the years I have been coming to her.
      The sky was stunning this morning. I love being out that early in the summertime.
      Talk soon.

  2. P.S. Meant to add -- show us a close up of that wedding photo, so we can see the detail of the clothes. :-)

    1. I will show the wedding photo closeup tomorrow. Their love story is very beautiful. I will do a post about it too.
      See you!

  3. All the best with your appointment, and those photos are quite delightful indeed. Greetings!

    1. Thanks! I hope you are having a wonderful day.
      Take care.

  4. good luck at the dentist, rather you than me though!

    1. Not too much luck at the dentist! Surgery is coming up next month. What a thrill!
      Have a good weekend Gill.

  5. The sunrise was beautiful. Amazing how fast the sky changes!
    Hope all goes well the dentist tomorrow. I have been using a water pic and it has really made a big difference. I still floss as well as brushing too.

    1. Gum problems seem to run in our family so I was not surprised when I was told I need gum surgery. I am getting a water pic shortly!
      Take care Karen and have a nice weekend.

  6. Nice that you were there just in time to see ( and photograph) the sunrise. One of the many benefits of being an early bird.

    1. I have always been an early bird (no pun intended) even as a kid. My Dad and I loved to get up early.Have a nice day!

  7. Beautiful sunrise (not something I often see, still sleeping), just love the wildlife and hope the dentist visit wasn't too painful xx

    1. I wish I could sleep later in the mornings but I just can't seem to.
      The dentist visit was o.k. The painful part is coming up!


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