My Dad

A very long day today where I can not seem to concentrate on any one thing. I did some gardening then decided to go downtown. I dropped a bag of donations off at one of the thrift stores and had a mooch through their books. I found a couple cookbooks. I then walked around town just to get another walk in. I came home and Chuck was busy painting outside trim. I came inside but could not settle to do anything. My Dad is on my mind so much. He passed away six years ago today.
 This is my Dad on one of their last trips to Portugal. They usually spent March and November there every year. They went until it became too hard for my Dad to walk so probably this photo was taken around 2000.
 My Dad loved to cook  and always made fantastic breakfasts. This was Christmas morning circa 1990's. He was making brunch as the clock says 10:07. I love his Christmas apron!
 My Dad instilled in me a love of all creatures. Growing up on a farm he had daily contact with all kinds of animals.
 Cute or not so cute we loved them all.
 Everyday year round he would fill the bird feeders and the birdbaths . Our dining room window overlooked the backyard so we had a wonderful vantage point all day long.
 After I left home we would talk a few times a week and relate our bird sightings to each other. I can remember him calling one Sunday and saying "I am looking at 13 mourning doves under the feeders".
 We had binoculars and bird books perched on the window ledge with a bird identification poster on the wall behind. I think that poster was there 25 years.
 After my Dad became too ill to put out bird food my Mum continued to do it so my Dad could still enjoy the birds. After out first cat Linus died my Dad called and said "Don't stop feeding the birds" and he was right. It gave me some enjoyment to still have the birds coming.
My Dad was diagnosed with Parkinsons in 2000 and steadily declined. We had to put him in Long Term Care in 2006 because he no longer could walk, was too heavy for my Mum and was developing dementia. He passed away in 2009. We miss him and talk about him daily. I wish I could say  "I love you" one more time.
Take care.


  1. A truly heart warming post, and I thought it was lovely-so sorry to hear about your dad. Even though its been a while, I wish you strength for today and always, and what sweet memories you've painted. Best wishes.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Best wishes to you too.

  2. Robin, you've written a lovely post in honour of your dad. I'm glad you have such wonderful memories and were so close to him. Lots of hugs and purrs to you today.


    1. Thank you Kim.It felt really good to write about him. It actually made me feel better. Thank you for your kindness Kim it really meant alot to me.

  3. What an awesome dad he must have been. I like the pic of him in an apron in the kitchen!

    1. He was an awesome Dad. Funny, compassionate, kind, I could go on and on. I hope I am half the person he was!

  4. No wonder you love birds and animals so much. Your Dad sounds very special. You never stop missing your parents.

    1. He was very special. I can't imagine a day without some interaction with animals or birds. I hate to even think about my Mum passing away.

  5. Sounds like a wonderful man and Dad. I know it is a blessing to have so many happy memories. May God comfort you today.

    1. Thanks Karen, he was wonderful. We are blessed to have so many happy memories. I know it is a great comfort to my Mum. Take care.

  6. I could tell by your Dad's smile that he was a wonderful, warm-hearted man. Thank you so much for sharing him with us. My heart goes out to you, (((hugs))))) I lost mine when he was 73...he had had his leg amputated due to diabetes........he declined from there and passed from congestive heart failure. It's so hard (((hugs)))

    1. Thanks Caren. I'm so sorry about your Dad. Some of my family members are diabetic so I know some of what you went through. It is still hard for me to believe Dad is gone. Thanks for caring!


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