When You Really Love Someone

 This is the photograph we have on the wall at the top of our stairs. It is Chuck's Great Aunt Berta and Uncle Chaim. They were married in the early thirties when she was around 20 years old and he was 30. Chaim was a business man in Berlin as was Berta's father. He became friends with the whole family and spent many happy hours with them. Berta was 12 years old when she and Chaim met. When she was around fourteen, Chaim told Berta that they would be married someday. Chaim waited patiently for years for Berta to grow up. They never loved anyone else but each other and Berta said she never kissed another man in her lifetime except Chaim. I wonder if this happens anymore. Such a love story.
This is Chuck's Grandmother Marie, Chaim and then Berta in the late 1920's at the beach. I love Berta's bathing suit.
We had a wonderful visit with Kim from "Musings On A Small Life" yesterday. What a lovely lady who spoiled Chuck and I with a delicious lunch. Her two cats Nicki and Derry were adorable and very friendly. We are planning on visiting again soon.
Take care everyone and have a wonderful Sunday.


  1. I love the close up of Berta's wedding dress. I think that story is amazing. I also think today that a male of 20 would be highly suspect, were he to fix his attention on a 12 - 14 year old.

    Her bathing suit is terrific. When they bring those back, then I'll wear a bathing suit again. LOL.

    It was lovely to meet you both, Robin. You are as you seem in the blog, a kind, decent, generous person, and so is Chuck. Unless you're really, really good at hiding a darker side, Ha.

    I did buy a replacement smoke detector (wired) and also a replacement one for the main level, but I want to check Home Depot for a fan first. I went back and looked in Lowe's today, as well as Rona (had to take that GFCI outlet back) and nope, there's nothing in the smaller size I need that I really like. I wasn't even impressed with Rona's vanity lights. Home Depot is the only place I haven't yet checked. Oh, and Home Hardware, I tend to forget about them.

    Have fun with all the yard work. That's the price you pay for having a lovely, large lot. LOL. Oh, btw, I moved the mums you brought into the back space after all, so *I* can see them all the time, when I'm home. Thank you again! :-)

    1. Yes Kim, times have changed. Chaim would probably be arrested now!
      I agree with you on the bathing suit. I don't even own one.
      It was so great to meet you too Kim. No darker side to us. My blog is very much who I am.
      I'm glad you got the smoke detector. That is the most important thing.
      Our Home Depot did have some decent fans so maybe you will be able to find one at yours.
      We are so glad you are enjoying the mums. I have yours right on our table so we see them all the time. Thanks again for the lovely visit!

  2. such a beautiful wedding photo! That is true love!

  3. Cute wedding couple and a sweet love story. I also wonder if such a relationship would exist today.

    1. As Kim said in her comment Chaim would be highly suspect in this day and age. So sad but at least this love story had a very happy ending.

  4. that is fabulous that you and Kim were able to meet! We have been following Kim and her kitties for years and you are soooo lucky to have all gotten together! What fun!
    Love the photo and accompanying story...........nowadays we live in a "throw away" society. Back then they weren't like that

    1. Hi Caren, we were very fortunate to be able to meet Kim. Luckily we only live an hour apart.
      Glad you enjoyed the photos and story. Take care.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Ronna! We are very fortunate to have them. I will be posting more as I scan them.

  6. What a lovely story and how nice that you have their photo.

  7. What a great trip and we love all the pictures. Makes the trip much more interesting. Glad you and Kim had a nice visit. What fun. You all have a terrific Tureday;


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