Meet Me In The Indian Summer.

 What a beautiful week we are having in Southern Ontario! The temperatures are between 60-70 degrees and sunny everyday.
Besides our usual morning walk Chuck and I have started going for a shorter one before supper. I took these two photos over the last two days.
 Totally blurry but it was getting dark when I took it.
 I've noticed around 4:30ish most days a small flock of mourning doves come to the feeders to eat. It is usually just starting to get dark so I find it hard to get a decent photo.
 We spent this morning in Belleville doing errands. I wanted to visit one of the thrift stores to check out the women's jeans. I'm not a big clothes shopper so I just wanted to get in and out. We also brought along 4 bags of donations. Nice surprise when we dropped off the donations we received a 25% off coupon on our next purchase. I headed right to the jean aisle, grabbed 3 pairs and headed to the change room with a quick side trip to the shirt aisle as I spotted a nice blouse. Everything fit perfectly so to the cash we went. Ten minutes flat!
 We came home and quickly ate lunch and headed back outside. Chuck changed the oil on the car and then washed it. I swept out the garage and then cleaned up the front gardens. This morning we also did a quick stop at Loews. All their spring flowering bulbs were half price. I picked out some red tulips and some pink parrot tulips. I plan on planting them tomorrow.
 I always put peanuts and sunflower seeds on the concrete block. It is usually the first place the squirrels and bluejays check when they visit the feeders.
 With it being so warm I filled the bird baths. Didn't take long for someone to use one of them.
 So pretty!
I counted 5 black squirrels at the feeders an hour ago.

It has been a lovely day. A road trip is coming up tomorrow or the next day. Can't waste these last few beautiful days!

Take care and have a wonderful evening.


  1. We've been hearing about the lovely weather you're enjoying. You deserve it, after that stormy time last week!

    You took 4 items into the change room and they ALL FIT? Is that normal for you because it sure isn't for me. I'd be lucky if 2 fit. Usually it's more like 1. And you got 25% off. Nice.

    1. That is not at all normal for me G.M. I just hit it right. I lost a bit of weight recently so my jeans were getting rather baggy. I picked three pairs at random and the blouse. Very happy with my purchases!

  2. We've been having that lovely weather too. Spent the day up at HT.
    Love the blue jay picture - he looks puzzled.
    Beautiful sky photos.

    1. Glad you have been having this great weather too.
      I thought the blue jay looked puzzled too!

  3. I'm with Granny Marigold, I'd be lucky if one item fit. I once tried over a dozen pairs of pants at Value Village and came out with nothing. BTW, I know where your weight went...up (or is it down?) the highway to me! :-P

    My favourite of your pics today is the mourning dove landing in the feeder. Nice to get that!

    Isn't it glorious out? I didn't get to enjoy it, had a lunch time meeting, but I actually have the patio door open at the moment. Wish it could just stay like this, that this was "winter." :-)

    Have a good evening!

    1. Hi Kim, I was shocked too that everything fit. The clothing gods were shining down on me I guess! Maybe I should look for a new bra now? No, that definitely would be pushing it!
      Glad you liked the photos.
      Another lovely day today. Today we are cleaning out the eaves troughs and planting the tulip bulbs. Exciting stuff.
      Have a nice day!

  4. Oh my word...what a lovely place you live in...and what beautiful photographs. I have never seen a black squirrel fact...I have never heard of them...they are so adorable
    Thank you for sharing
    Phoebe x

  5. Oh my word...what a lovely place you live in...and what beautiful photographs. I have never seen a black squirrel fact...I have never heard of them...they are so adorable
    Thank you for sharing
    Phoebe x


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