"Let's Walk That-Away"

With Chuck heading back to work on Monday we have been spending as much time as we can outside enjoying these last few beautiful days. I peeked at the long term forecast at The Weather Network and the weather is supposed to change quite a bit starting next weekend.
In the meantime we are savouring the great weather and enjoying some longs walks. We did a short walk through the conservation area Friday afternoon but didn't want to go to far in as the pathways are covered with leaves and it is hard to make out the trail. We didn't want to start out at 4:00 in the afternoon and possibly get lost!
Walking through town a little later we met up with this sweetie. Very friendly!
Saturday morning started out cloudy but it was warm. As we were driving to Trenton a few days ago we decided to try the "back way" instead of the 401 or Highway 2. Just a couple blocks from our house is the edge of town and the farms begin. As we were passing by one of the farms I noticed some miniature horses (or ponies). That was our walking destination for this morning.
Just beyond the hill is Lake Ontario.
Another view from a little farther down. No horses out then just the cows. The farmer was loading up a truck with manure. It was a little smelly!
Great old shed. I would have loved to have a peek inside.
The road was a little busy so we turned down a side road and walked to the end. The junco's were flying back and forth across the street. You can see one just about in the middle of the photo.
We came up over a rise and this was the sight that greeted us. I don't know who was more surprised, us or the horses. There were four of them and they ran to the far corner of the field when they saw us.
We watched them for a few minutes and gradually they came closer to the fence.
There is a dead end at the bottom of the road with a gravel pit. Then beyond that is the Murray Hills.
Along the one side were unused fields. We could see an old fence and along the fence line were rocks piled up.
On the way back the horses were not so skittish.
Oak trees lined the side of the road on the opposite side from the horses.
On the way back we noticed the miniature horses (or ponies) were now out. I believe there are four of them also. This lovely white one spotted us and started trotting over.
I wouldn't trespass on anyone's land so I stayed right on the edge of the road. There is a ditch between that and the fenced field.
She came right over to the fence and stared at us. Just then the farmer drove by and we had a quick chat. He said she is very social and loves to pose for photos. Maybe if we are able to chat to the farmer again I would ask to meet the horses.

Much painting going on here and the last of the outside work will be done tomorrow. That and putting on the snow tires! Oh, I am not a fan of winter. We have been so lucky this Fall and had such good weather but it has to end sometime.
Have a wonderful week!
Take care.


  1. What a treat, to see all the horses! Obviously the first group weren't used to seeing strangers -- so funny to see them on high alert there, especially the bay with the star on her/his forehead.

    As for the others: Are they really miniature horses or are they ponies? Just wondered if you knew for sure. (There's a difference!) Maybe next time you walk that way you can stow a couple of apples and/or carrots in your pockets. That'll bring anyone skittish over! :-)

  2. Oh Kim,good question! My first thought was miniature horses but maybe you are correct. They are quite small but what I know about horses you could fit on a head of a pin!
    No matter, we had such a nice time and will do it again. This time with some apples in my pockets!

  3. Another lovely walk! I've never seen a miniature horse...I wonder how tall they get. ( Okay, just googled it and min. horses are under 38 inches high "as measured at the last hairs of the mane") Isn't that a curious way to measure them?

    1. Hi G.M. I have seen miniature horses a few times. Kim is very knowledgable about horses and she thinks these ones are ponies. They were probably more than 38 inches high so she is spot on. Yes, that is a funny way to measure their height!

  4. What a beautiful environment to take a walk in. I love your photos!

    1. Hi Maria, yes we are very blessed to live where we do. I could just walk and walk and marvel at all the beauty.

  5. How beautiful!! I especially love when you came over the rise and surprised the horses. Aren't they beautiful! Like you, I am not a big fan of winter and have really enjoyed these warm summer-like days. It can't last though. You live in such a pretty place.

    1. Hi Henny, it was quite a beautiful sight to see all the horses. We scared the poor things though! We will all just grit our teeth and get through this winter. I am planting some tulips today so I will look forward to them next Spring.

  6. Beautiful walk and drive. We often take the back way too while driving.
    You seem to just draw cats to you. : )
    Enjoyed all your lovely photos.

    1. It is lovely Karen. It reminds me a lot of the New England states. I spent much time there growing up and always loved it. I really feel we are blessed to be able to live in our new community.
      Enjoy your Sunday!

  7. Pretty views! There's nothing like a good walk!

    1. Hi Pom, Pom, I have always loved to walk since I was a child and walked with my Dad. Forty five years later I am still walking! Luckily I married someone who enjoys walking too.

  8. I am so envious of all of you that don't live in a commercial area like I do, you can take such pretty walks!! Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Caren! I haven't lived in a big city in my life. Luckily we have always lived somewhere where we could have access to nature. I guess there are pros and cons to anywhere you live!

  9. What a lovely walk, you are correct - Autumn has been gorgeous this year.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! It looks like you have been enjoying lovely Fall weather too.

  10. Hi Robin, thanks for visiting my blog today. Me and my hubby have also just moved from our home town of 22 years to a small holding in the mountains. In another province. We are also just starting out life but at 64 and 65! I just had to come over and meet you, another cat lover. Greetings. Jo

    1. Hi Jo, thanks for stopping by! What an exciting life you and your hubby are living. Looking forward to catching up on your blog.
      Have a good week!

  11. I love the photos of your country. That boy and the cat is cool

    1. Hi Ralph, glad you enjoyed the photos! We always enjoy meeting new cats and we always seem to see them on our walks.


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