"Tip-Toe Thru' The Tulips With Me"

What a welcome sight on our walk yesterday after the snowstorm we received on Sunday. Both sides of the driveway had flowers spray painted on the snowbanks. Definitely made me smile!
A couple more photos from the bonanza on Friday. I find nuthatch's so hard to  photograph, with my camera, as they move so quickly.
The top photo is a white breasted one while the bottom is a red breasted one.
Lovely moon the other night before the storm.
A few houses on our walk. This one appears to be mostly original. The old windows with the wavy glass, a few stained glass windows and what appear to be original eavestrough (gutters) in the back. They do have new cupola's on both the house and the garage.
Another very simple but well maintained home. The garden's in the Summer are beautiful.
This house has a bit of history. It was a rental for many years and wasn't maintained. The current owners purchased it and pretty well gutted it to the outer walls. A friend of ours was an electrical inspector and viewed the house before it was renovated. The gaps between the floorboards was so wide you could see down to the dirt floored basement.It was pretty well all original from when it was built 100 years ago.
A Mourning Dove finally visited the feeders on Sunday. Hopefully more will follow!
Digging for peanuts.
So strange to see Robin's in a snowstorm.
Our neighbour's across the street getting their driveway blown out.
The Cedar Waxwings spent some time in the yard yesterday. I love the mask around their eyes.
This is two of our feeders. I took this from my computer room window upstairs.
The sun was out for quite awhile yesterday melting and clearing the driveway. I am very thankful to have a south facing driveway after many years of north facing ones.
The sunrise this morning was beautiful and very brief.
I wanted to share this calendar photo with you. So sweet!
From our home to your's I wish you Happy Valentine's Day!

Take care.


  1. The robins are probably wishing they had remained in the south for a little longer! Ours have not yet returned. Usually I see one in March. Loved your neighborhood walk. There are some interesting houses. Well, I always think houses are interesting. If they are well maintained, I admire them. If they are neglected, I imagine what they could be with a little TLC.

    1. Hi Marcie, I don't quite know why the Robin's stayed around here this winter. We have lived here 30 years and have never seen this.
      I love old homes too. Having lived in one when we were first married I understand how much upkeep they need!

  2. The variety of birds you see, and get at your feeders, always amazes me. I've never seen a cedar waxwing--very striking and pretty bird!

    I'd love a peek inside that former rental home, just to see the renos that were done. Bet it looks gorgeous.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you and Chuck; take care!

    1. Hi Kim, I am in very happy that we get such a variety of birds here. I was worried when we moved here last August that I would never see the variety here that we had in the other house. No worries!
      I would love a peek in that house too. Sometimes I can peek inside a bit in the early morning when we walk by and the light are on and it does look lovely.
      Take care!

  3. Robin, that painted snow made me smile! Really smile! I love that. And oh my, I love looking at old houses. They are the best. I really, really am made happy when one is brought back to life. I miss my 100-year-old house but it needed a lot of work... Best to leave it to a new owner who can renovate! I could not do it as a single parent, though it did cross my mind to try and purchase from my ex-husband to work on it myself! Happy Valentine's Day!! xo Lynn

    1. Hi Lynn, glad you liked the snow tulips!
      I LOVE looking at old homes too. One of my favourite things! Chuck and I lived in one when we were first married. Such character and I often wonder about the previous owners. So sorry you were not able to keep your beautiful old home.
      Have a wonderful day!

  4. Have never seen snow art like that before! Our town has some wonderful old homes too, including ours...but no sign of the basement through the floor, thank goodness! Cannot wait to see more birds around here; the robins have arrived. Hugs and loves to A Bird's Life!

    1. This is the first time i've seen snow art too. We came around the corner and there it was. Definitely made my day!
      Detroit has so many beautiful old homes. I've looked online and drooled over them.
      Happy Valentine's to everyone at Eastside Cats!

  5. Happy Valentine's Day!

    Those spray painted flowers, are the sweetest idea!!!

    Lovely old homes.

    Hope you enjoy your day.

    1. Hi Luna, I am sure the snow art tulips made so many people happy, glad you enjoyed them!
      Have a wonderful day too.

  6. happee hearts day oh lovez frum all oh uz heer in trout towne !!! de sun rise fotoz total lee awesum ~~~~~ ♥♥♥

    1. Hi all, Thanks for the Valentine's wishes! Glad you enjoyed the sunrise photos. Are you ever up to see a sunrise? :) Kitties do love to sleep in!

  7. Those are some beautiful houses. There's lots of old Victorians around here - I'd love to buy one one day and give it a new life.

    1. We have so many beautiful old homes here. Pro's and con's owning an older home. Chuck and I have lived in both. As we are getting older though we are swinging to living in newer homes. Our next home will probably be a smaller bungalow.
      Have a good day!

  8. Oh those flowers brought a smile to my face too.
    Did they do that last year too? I seem to recall seeing that before or maybe it was on another blog.
    Lovely homes!!

    1. Hi Karen, this is the first time I've seen snow art so you must have viewed it on another blog. We walked by again a day later and it all had melted.
      Have a good day!

  9. Such wonderful photos. Love seeing all the birds there, even with all that snow. We haven't seen any Cedar Waxwings yet this year, but hoping they'll be here soon. Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

    1. Hi Robin, thanks for your lovely words! I find when it gets to this time of year I don't mind the snow as much. I know in 5 weeks or so it will be gone! I've noticed Cedar Waxwings all winter here. We have so many trees and bushes with edible fruit in this neighbourhood. It's wonderful!
      Take care.

  10. Great pics once again. It amazes me that you were able to get pics of the Nuthatches. They hardly ever are still for a moment. I have been hearing Mourning Doves while on my walk. I hope we get them nesting close again this Spring. I find their cooing so relaxing. Sometimes I think my pigeon coos to answer them but it's probably coincidence. Her coos sound very different, of course.

    1. Hi G.M. I surprised myself with being able to get the two nuthatch photos. Believe me, I have many blurry ones to go along with those two!
      I do love the Mourning Doves coo too. A neighbour growing up kept pigeons so their cooing is a sound I like too.
      Have a good day!

  11. Happy Valentine's Day! The snow art is so fun! I love seeing the bird pictures. Cedar Waxwings are so beautiful, aren't they? I am fascinated with older homes and architecture. These are beautiful examples.
    We have greatly downsized over the years to make life simpler. You have a lovely home and the snow is beautiful. Have a wonderful evening.

    1. Hi Mildred, I see by your blog you had a lovely evening. I love taking bird and animal photos and sharing them. I hope I am not boring everyone with them!
      We are slowly downsizing. Our current home is smaller than our previous one. Chuck's knees aren't the best so by the time he is 60 (4to5 years) we hope to be in a bungalow.
      Thank you for your kind words about our home. We do love it!
      Have a wonderful day!

  12. How cheery those painted flowers are. I'm so jealous you have cedar waxwings, we've only seen them in summer. Lots of robins around for this time of the year. I love the look of the okd houses but not sure if I would want the upkeep.

    1. Hi Linda, It was such a surprise to see the flowers! I am sure you received the same amount of snow as us so you know what a welcome sight they were.
      I was very happy to spot the Cedar Waxwings for the first time about a month ago. Luckily the previous owners of our home had many berry producing shrubs and trees planted here. The flocks of Robins around is incredible.
      I do love the old homes and would love to have a nose around. My friend Kim and I back in the Fall were able to tour Proctor House all on our own. We had a great nose around!
      Enjoy the warmer weather!

  13. Ah, the view is so beautiful ... from here!

    1. Hi Mitchell, I must admit I would miss the snow for awhile if we didn't have any. Being a farmer's daughter/grand-daughter I know we need the snow for moisture in the soil. But I think I could take 15-16 degrees C in February too!
      See you!

  14. Beautiful! Birds are difficult to photograph as they just won't stand still for more than a fraction of a second.

    1. Thanks Jono! Nuthatches seem to be the worst for me to photograph. I find Robin's fairly easy along with goldfinches. I spend far too much time taking photos or attempting to anyway!
      Enjoy your day.

  15. I have sure enjoyed this series of photos...loved the flowers in the snow...would love to do that to someone's yard sometime if we ever have enough snow.

    1. Hi Rose, glad you enjoyed the photos! I can send you some of our snow if you would like!
      Take care.

  16. Happy Valentines to you also! And thanks for stopping by my blog!

  17. Hi Rian, thanks for returning a visit. Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day!


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