
There are signs of Fall creeping in.
The flowers are past their prime.
Bees everywhere.
We picked up a couple foxglove plants last week.
Great deals on at the nursery's  now.
The hydrangeas under our living room windows are late bloomers. They smell heavenly every time you walk up to the front door.
The Tamarac is starting to change colour.
As I was taking these photos Miss Kitty was following me around the yard. Finally she gave up and rested on the deck and watched me.
Merv's tree is starting to drop leaves.
We must have 10 sedums around the yards. I don't quite know how that happened! The bees sure love them.
I think this moth was on the Brown Eyed Susan's.
I have one clump of portulaca that is blooming beautifully.
Love hydrangeas!
Merv did tell me the name of this sedum, I can't remember!
Are you finally done???? Yes, Miss kitty, that is it!
The rising sun Thursday as we were driving to work. No, I wasn't driving!
Snowball looking through a living room window.
The moon has been incredible all week.
I stood out each evening and took photos.
There is a very old pear tree on our walk. I hope in a few weeks the pears will be edible.
New store opened up in town. I love the window decorating!
Great antique store. Kim and I pop in here when she comes for a visit. The chia latte is great according to Kim!
An old house on our walk. It sold back in the Spring and the new owners have slowly been fixing it up. It was covered in white aluminum siding which you can see is being ripped off. I love the soft yellow colour of the original wood. Some of the more recent additions are being ripped off too. You can see the line of the original porch on the right.

Rainy day here today so a good day to catch up on inside jobs that have been neglected. I want to spend every sunny day outside!

Have a wonderful week!


  1. Hello, Love your sky and moon photos. The flowers are all gorgeous, I know they keep the bees happy. I like fall but I am not looking forward to winter. Love your cute kitties. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!

    1. Hi Eileen, I am not looking forward to winter either. But don't you head down south??? Lucky you!
      Hope you have a great week too.

  2. All your shots are wonderful, Robin. I snapped a couple of pics with the Fuji, several days ago it seems, but I haven't yet downloaded them.

    I do love this cooler weather (except tomorrow is supposed to be quite humid and hot again), but not the approach of ::whispers:: winter.

    That antique store has wonderful doors, doesn't it? Yes, the chai lattes are good, though most places can do a decent chai these days.

    Did you go into the new store, Rocia Naturals? I agree, lovely window decor. That's what draws a customer's eye in...along with their wallets...so window design is pretty crucial, IMO.

    Just back from an "exciting" Walmart run (debated doing that versus staying home and going back to bed!), and now am happy to be inside and drying out, getting cosy.

    Have a lovely day!

    1. Hi Kim, looking forward to seeing your photos from your four days off!
      I feel much more energized in this cooler weather. Yesterday was muggy but as the storm approached you could feel a cool breeze.
      We didn't go into the new store. With it being a handmade skincare product store I imagine everything is quite expensive.
      Enjoy your day off today!

  3. Your late flowers are so lovely, even though some are beginning to "wilt."

    What beautiful moon shots!

    Kitties are always a delightful photo op!

    So nice that that old house, is being fixed up. Slow but sure. :-)

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Rain here today too!!!!!! Can almost hear the flowers and grass, sighing happily!!!!!

    1. Hi Luna, it has been a good year for the flowers. So much rain initially and not too hot.
      Yes, the old house is slowing being fixed up. I will post photos as it goes along.
      We had a terrific storm last night with lots of thunder and lightening and a good amount of rain. Our grass and flowers are very happy this morning.
      Take care.

  4. It's definitely feeling like fall! Love your foxglove.

    1. Hi Valerie, yesterday sure didn't feel like Fall but it was short lived.
      I've never grown foxglove, I hope I don't kill it!
      Have a good day!

  5. I like they are putting the house back like it was. I love old houses. your flowers are still amazing and the bees seem to be really happy with them. your yard is doing its part of feeding our bees that we need for food. I like the name End of the Thread... we have one here called You Never KNOW...

    1. Hi Sandra, We do still have lots of bees around the yards. They love the hydrangeas and sedums.
      I like the name of your antique store, "You Never Know" Great name!
      Hope you and Bob are well!

  6. I really enjoyed this love tour, Robin! Your photos are beautiful!

    1. Hi Linda, glad you enjoyed the tour! Hope you had a good Labour Day weekend in Montreal!

  7. I should get my act together and do a signs of fall post...I sure enjoyed yours. I hope you post a photo of that house as it is being given a facelift...

    1. Hi Rose, I will keep you updated on the progress of the old house. I hope they keep the wood and not cover it with vinyl siding. And put a porch back on in the back. The old stone foundation is so pretty. I do know they can leak though!
      Have a good day!

  8. Most definitely a change on the weather. I prefer this weather over humidity. Lovely series of photos. It will be interesting to track the progress and chanes on that old house.

    1. Hi Linda, I prefer the cooler weather too, I have so much more energy. In the humidity I just wilt.
      That was some storm last night wasn't it??
      Hope all is well in your gardens.

  9. No real signs of Fall out here as yet. The leaves have been falling due to the dryness but they're not pretty colours yet.
    Miss Kitty sure can give you a look! Then there's Snowball peering in the window.
    Have a great holiday Monday!

    1. Hi Granny Marigold, I heard you are continuing to have hot, dry weather. It really has been a strange year for you weather-wise.
      Miss Kitty has perfected the ticked off look. I received it this morning when I didn't get her a few treats fast enough!
      Hope you had a lovely long weekend!

  10. I think all those kitties love and appreciate you very much. I would love to own a big old house like that...and be able to afford to fix it up.

    1. Hi Henny, I enjoy feeding the kitties so much. I don't enjoy when Miss Kitty and Snowball start to fight. They just hate each other!
      The big old house is very beautiful. I am looking forward to seeing what it looks like when the renovations are over. I will be sure to share it with all of you.
      Have a good week!

  11. Really like those big old houses. They take such a lot of money and time to fix up.
    Wonderful collections of photos today as always.

    1. Hi Karen, I do love old houses too. When Chuck and I were first married we lived in a house built in the 1920's. We just rented so were not responsible for repairs but before any big rains we had to go in the basement and put everything up on shelves as the basement would flood occasionally.
      Glad you enjoyed the photos!

  12. wavez two ewe miss kitty & snowball !!! ya both look gorgeouz two day; as due all
    thoz flowerz.....they iz well past shot & done for de seezon heer !!! heerz two a
    trout filled twoozday ~~ ☺☺♥♥

    1. Hi Trouters, Miss Kitty and Snowball send their regards (not together though, they have a feud going on right now!) and hope all is well.
      The flowers are still trying to hang on here but then there are mums and asters......
      Take care!

  13. I am amazed at how fresh and new your flowers look; guess they are putting on a show because they know their time left is short. I love the picture of Snowball!

    1. Hi Chip Butter, yes the time is short for the Summer annuals but I have only purchased one small pot of mums. I am trying to wait until mid-September to really start decorating for Fall.
      Snowball is beautiful and HUGE!
      Have a good day!

  14. Jon's been eyeing up the pears in the neighbour's garden - won't be long till they are ripe enough to eat noew!
    Lovely photos especially the kitty cats! xxx

    1. Hi Vix, this pear tree is FULL of pears but on a rather busy street. It doesn't appear to be on anyone's property so hopefully they will be edible.
      The Kitties are lovely aren't they?


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