Shopping Day

A quieter day here today. I just drove Chuck to work (we just have one car) and went to Walmart (I know, evil empire, but the prices are so good). I was speaking to the young fellow that stocks the fruit and veggie department and he mentioned they are expanding the organic selections. This particular Walmart originally did not have a very good selection of organic products so I am anxious to see what they stock. I did a few price matching which saves on gas as our Walmart is only about 5 blocks away.

Our kitchen cabinets were delivered yesterday and stacked in the garage. Great young guys and they put the boxes exactly where I asked them too so I have room to walk around the boxes.

The photo above is of an Albino Squirrel that visits our feeders. He is fairly tame and looks very healthy. We had one at our other house which is about a mile away from our new house so I don't know if it is the same one. A number of people in this neighbourhood have feeders out so he (she) is well fed.

Below is our new kitchen in boxes. Two weeks today it should all be installed! I probably jinxed it now. Have a great day everyone.


  1. fingers, toes and everything else crossed that it will be installed on time.

    1. Thanks Gill,I will have everything crossed!

  2. Good morning. Nice to meet you. Thanks for coming by our blog. Great picture of the squirrel. Never seen one of those. Do you have a cat?? You have a great day and hope all that kitchen gets where it belongs soon. By the way, Wall Mart is our favorite place to shop.

    1. We lost both of our cats to illness in the last seven months so we are cat less right now. I enjoy all the bloggers cats for now. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. How exciting to be getting a brand new kitchen. I remember when we installed new cabinets at our old house. Hope all goes well.
    I think it must depend on the Walmart. Some are better than others. The one near us is not so great and I don't like shopping there at all, at least for food.

    1. I remember your post about your Walmart. We are lucky here with a great one. I am really looking forward to the new kitchen.

  4. Expect delays, there usually are, but fingers crossed all goes well.

    1. The guys are here today installing the ceramic floor a day ahead of time so that gives us a little wiggle room.


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