A Gorgeous Day

Just a quick post today. It is a picture perfect day so I want to get out and enjoy it. I went down to the Farmer's Market this morning and purchased some rhubarb and plan to make a pie and other yummy things from it. As Chuck does not share my love of rhubarb I will make him a blueberry pie to enjoy.

Thank you for the lovely comments about our kitchen. I can't believe it is ours!

Enjoy your day!



  1. Mmm, rhubarb pie! Mom used to make it; we had two big patches of rhubarb behind the house in Gaspé. I rather enjoyed hacking off the ends with a super-sharp knife. Whack, switch ends, whack. LOL. Enjoy your day!

  2. We also had two big patches at my parent's house. They were originally from my grandparent's farm so I imagine they were 50+ years old. As kids we would take a bowl of sugar out to the garden, hack off a piece of rhubarb and dunk it in sugar. Tart but yummy! Take care.

  3. it was a lovely day with plenty of sun and not too, to hot for me!! By the way I used to do that with rhubarb, dunk it in sugar when we were kids as well.

    1. It wasn't too hot here either Gill. Glad you had a good day!

  4. Glad to hear you had a pretty day. We are sure due to have one.
    Hope you found some rhubarb and enjoyed eating it.
    Like the quote!! So true.

    1. I loved the baby porcupine too. We are getting some rain today but we could use it!


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