Saturday Stuff

 Another painting day here today. It is such a beautiful morning. Sunny and still cool and the birds are singing loudly. We have so many baby birds around at the moment. They can make quite a racket! But I love it.
Yesterday I did some baking and made muffins and granola. We put a little bit of granola on our regular  healthy cereal every morning just to jazz up the healthy stuff a bit.
 This baby rabbit spent a couple of hours grazing in our neighbours back yard yesterday. It is hard to tell but he was pretty small.
 We walked at 6:30 this morning and went into the new neighbourhood they are building at the end of our street. The fog was just coming out of the trees as we walked by. This WAS all beautiful forest.

This is one of our many chipmunks in the neighbourhood. They love to sit on this rock in our garden and screech at each other. I took this photo thru the side door window. If I had opened the door he would have been gone like a shot.

Well, I should go help Chuck with the painting. We hope to have the whole kitchen done by Wednesday. Then we will move on to the powder room. I hope you all have a great weekend. Take care.



  1. It always makes my heart sink to see land cleared, trees cut down, natural habitat destroyed. Makes me wish I could go live off the grid somewhere (with help, not on my own -- lol).

    The rabbit is cute, of course, and looks pretty big in the photo. As for the chipmunk, I wish I saw more of them! It's a rare treat to see one, though I know there are a zillion around.

    Good luck with the painting, enjoy the weekend sunshine!

    1. Me too Kim. As we walked down the street we noticed 4 out of maybe 15 of these houses were sold already. These houses are selling for $4000,000+ which is pretty pricey for Trenton. We just recently noticed chipmunks in the yards though I imagine they were around. Chuck is just painting around the cabinets as I type this so we are progressing!
      Take care and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  2. We were both out walking this morning at the same time. : ) I'll think of you tomorrow.
    I also posted a picture of a rabbit today!
    I like to use the mason jars to store food too. Quite a few chipmunks around our yard too.
    We have lot in common. : )

    1. Yes, we do seem to, Karen! Too bad we did not live closer to each other. Have a nice Sunday.

  3. we have a chipmunk around our place as well. If you have a minute pop by my blog tomorrow, as it's something you are familiar with that I am posting about!

    1. I will read your blog right after I reply to you. I saw on the header a picture of paint cans so I think I have an idea what it is!


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