That's what friends are for.

Why are you sticking that thing in my face when I am trying to nap?
 Saturday may have been an awful day weather wise but it was a lovely day visiting Kim, Nicki and Derry from "Musings on a Small Life". We arrived just after 10:00 and Kim had yummy snacks set out for us to enjoy. We ended up talking for the first hour or so before we helped Kim with a couple small jobs.
Nicki pondering the rain.
 Nicki is very outgoing while Derry is a little shy. The kitty photos are all Nicki. I did manage a quick one of Derry but it was very blurry. Derry did come right up to me and I stroked his head so we are making progress!
Crashed Nicki. 
Kim had a lovely lunch ready for us. I brought a salad and Kim supplied all the rest. She is a perfect host.
Kim and I, or is it Kim and me? Why do they change grammar after all these years?
 Kim is a beautiful lady inside and out and we had a lovely time. We hope she is able to make a visit to our home soon.
This is the progress on the tiling. They managed to finish around the tub. The tilers hope to tile the shower area tomorrow and grout it all on Tuesday. I'm not holding my breath. The quickest they worked on Friday was cleaning up to go home!

Another cool, rainy day today but we very much needed this rain.

Take care and have a good day.


  1. I so appreciate the visit and Chuck's help, Robin. (And the leftover salad and tomatoes, I already ate the muffins for breakfast.) As much as I hate having my pic taken, at least I can now tell I need to let my hair on sides grow out another inch or two to frame my chin (after having had the stylist cut it shorter back in the spring--mistake!).

    Both boys are curled up on the couch right now, no place for me to sleep. The "fleas" next door are tearing around their house like there's no tomorrow, so it's been fun, fun, fun this aft. I'm glad they were gone for the day when you both were here yesterday.

    The tiling will look fantastic when it's done, it does seem to be coming along nicely, even though there's been a bit of a snafu/delay with those workers.

    Enjoy the rest of the day....I've had to close my windows, it's so cool! Warm again this week, though. Summer's not quite done yet. :-)

    1. Any time Kim! Always glad to help.
      I thought your hair looks great!
      So sorry the fleas are making so much noise. It was very peaceful there yesterday.
      We have most of our windows closed too. Two blankets on the bed last night.
      Talk soon as I am going to email you about your upstairs floor.

  2. How nice to meet a fellow blogger. : ) Glad you had such a nice visit.
    I've met a few bloggers too and when we met felt like I had already knew them.: )

    1. That is so true Karen. That's so wonderful you have had the opportunity to meet fellow bloggers.

  3. The tiles look great ( even if the tilers try your patience!). Nice to see your photo and hear about your pleasant visit.

    1. I just keep thinking it will all be done by Friday!
      Have a great day.


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